No to Violence has released its NSW Election Tour Report 2023 and is urging the new NSW Government to urgently and sustainably fund services that work with men to end family violence.
Ahead of the recent NSW election, No to Violence toured seven areas of the state with higher-than-average rates of police-recorded domestic violence incidents: Blacktown, Penrith, Nowra, Wagga Wagga, Orange, Lismore and Charlestown.
The aim was to hear directly from our members, and people working in the sector, about the challenges of preventing and responding to domestic and family violence in their local communities.
The NSW Election Tour Report 2023 summarises what we heard and what we will advocate for on behalf of our members.
What we heard:
We heard time and again that the sector that works to end men’s family violence is under-funded, under-resourced and under-recognised. We also heard that the sector needs more sustainable funding, not short-term contacts.
Service providers across all seven locations shared similar reflections about what is needed to build a thriving sector in NSW.
No to Violence has summarised what we heard into eight priorities. If actioned by the government, these priorities will support the safety and wellbeing of women and children by holding men accountable for their use of family violence.
What we’re calling for:
- Multi-year funding to create a sustainable sector
- Investing in community-led services
- Supporting a thriving workforce
- Creating housing security
- Increasing access to services
- Enabling collaboration between services
- Embedding primary prevention and early intervention
- Strong political leadership to end men’s family violence
No to Violence Chief Executive Officer Jacqui Watt said it is time to recognise that we cannot stop men’s family violence until we stop men from using violence and abuse.
“Family violence has devastating impacts for families across NSW and remains one of the state’s most critical issues,” Ms Watt said.
“While frontline services are working to meet demand, the safety of women and children is still violated every day.”