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MARAM Annual Survey for organisations

NOTE: For Victorian organisations only

As a prescribed organisation under the Family Violence Multi-Agency and Risk Assessment Management (MARAM) Framework, Family Safety Victoria (FSV) are interested in understanding your organisation’s progress in aligning to the Framework and use of MARAM aligned tools.

As such, you have received this invitation to complete a survey, which aims to help government understand:

  • the progress of implementation across different sectors and regions; and
  • how sectors can be more effectively supported by Family Safety Victoria (FSV) and funding departments to implement MARAM and enable continuous improvement.

The survey will also provide important data to inform the annual Ministerial reporting process to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, on the progress of MARAM implementation.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. While the completion of this survey is optional, your organisation’s participation will provide valuable insight on implementation progress and help identify opportunities for Government support.

People who should complete the survey

If you have a substantial role in aligning your organisation to MARAM through e.g. through organisational policy, practice and capacity development, leadership and/or broadly overseeing MARAM implementation, please respond to this survey directly. If not, please forward it to the individual/s who are aligning your organisation to MARAM. If your organisation has multiple programs or service areas that are prescribed to align to MARAM, please send the survey to the individuals responsible for aligning each of these areas/programs to MARAM.

Please note that this survey is not intended for all workers within your organisation. It relates to the overall progress of your organisation’s implementation of MARAM rather than individual worker awareness and understanding of MARAM.

How to respond to this survey

To respond to the survey click on the survey link below. You may also receive this survey from multiple sources, however, please do not complete it more than once.

Your privacy

Collection and storage of survey data will be managed by iLink who hold Information Security Management Systems (ISO27001) accreditation.

Organisation names will be deidentified before the data is provided to FSV and have been requested for analysis purposes only. Your responses to this survey will not impact your ability to attract funding either positively or negatively.

Survey link

The survey will close on 7th September 2023.

Who to contact for more information: If you would like further information about the survey, please contact