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Policy Submissions and Position Papers

New South Wales
South Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
Western Australia
Policy and Legislative Reforms
Government Plans and Strategies
Budgets and Elections
Children and Young People
Sexual Violence
Coercive Control
Showing all 70 results
The role of men’s behaviour change programs in addressing men’s use of domestic, family and sexual violence: An Evidence Brief
February 2025
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Research
This evidence brief provides a summary of the literature on men’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs) and contributes to building a shared understanding of their role in addressing domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia. This evidence brief was written by ANROWS in partnership with No to Violence and independent consultant Rodney Vlais. It provides a summary of the literature on men’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs), focusing primarily on their role in addressing domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia. While MBCPs were never meant to be a panacea for domestic, family and sexual violence, their role and effectiveness in addressing domestic, family and sexual violence is often questioned. The evidence brief synthesises what is known about MBCPs based on available peer-reviewed and grey literature and practice-based evidence. This brief was prepared for the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission Roundtable: Engaging Men and Boys – What’s Next? held on 12 November 2024.
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2025-2026 Pre-Budget Submission to the Tasmanian Government
December 2024
Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Topic: Budgets and Elections
While significant government commitments have been made to ensure Tasmania’s families and communities become free from all forms of family and sexual violence, more is needed to significantly reduce and, ultimately, end these forms of abuse. We will not end family and sexual violence without a strong, sustained and strategic focus on people, predominantly men, using violence. No to Violence values the opportunity to contribute to the Tasmanian 2025-2026 Budget Community Consultation process. This submission outlines NTV's funding priorities and is informed by consultations with our Tasmanian members, colleagues from the Tasmanian Family and Sexual Violence Alliance (the Alliance), and the Tasmanian Council of Social Services (TasCOSS).
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Crucial opportunity to stop violence at the source at the next federal budget (2025-26)
December 2024
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Budgets and Elections
The upcoming federal budget is a crucial opportunity to stop violence at the source. With key initiatives due for renewal, the time is now for greater investment. Without sustained investment, momentum will flatten and dissipate. Government could also work much closer with the sector working with people using violence. This sector holds wisdom that could strengthen systems to maximise accountability for people using violence. In this submission, No to Violence makes 5 key recommendations, developed with members.
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2025-2026 Pre-Budget Submission to the New South Wales Government
December 2024
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
Despite growing awareness of domestic and family violence in NSW, funding for services working with people using violence is miniscule compared to the scale and complexity of the problem. This submission outlines the funding priorities needed to ensure a strong, sustained and strategic focus on people using violence. These includes funding the development and implementation of a broader suite of interventions for people using domestic and family violence, increasing core funding for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs to adjust for wage inflation and ensure programs are delivered to best practice standards, and funding No to Violence as the NSW peak body for services working with people using domestic and family violence.
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2025-2026 Pre-Budget Submission to the Victorian Government
October 2024
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This submission highlights the key priorities for organisations working with people using family violence ahead of the 2025-26 Victorian state budget. Service providers have outlined a clear roadmap for a stronger and more responsive family violence service system. They want it to advance transformative ways to end family violence, work with government to deliver best-practice interventions, and support to continuously improve and innovate. Without reform, existing issues will become further entrenched; more opportunities to engage people using family violence at key assessment and referral points will be lost; and services will be forced to turn away increasing numbers of people using family violence seeking support to change their behaviour. This means leaving more victim-survivors at risk.
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Submission to the Commonweath Government: Inquiry into Australia’s Youth Justice and Incarceration System
October 2024
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Children and Young People
The Inquiry into Australia’s Youth Justice and Incarceration System is a crucial opportunity to drive positive change at a critical moment in time. This submission illustrates how Australia’s youth justice system influences pathways into and out of family violence. It shows how the system perpetuates the disadvantage of marginalised children and young people. We argue the punitive nature of the current system harms Australia’s efforts to end family violence. No to Violence calls on the Commonwealth Government to raise the age of criminal and civil responsibility to at least 16 and centre the voices of the people and communities most impacted by the youth justice system thoughout this inquiry.
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Submission to the South Australian Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence: A Sustained and Strategic Focus on People Using Violence
October 2024
Jurisdiction: South Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence has been proud to work with our domestic, family and sexual violence colleagues to inform South Australia’s Royal Commission into DFSV. In our submission, we call for a strong, sustained and strategic focus on people using violence. We want the focus on victim-survivors’ behavior shifted instead to people using violence. No to Violence is calling on the South Australian government to follow Queensland’s lead and develop a dedicated strategy to join up disconnections between siloed systems and drive the development of a diverse range of responses to people using violence. Doing so is an important opportunity to make greater use of data collected by a range of systems and service, moving away from reliance on woefully incomplete justice system data. This shift would make more people using violence visible, shining a light on the true scale of violence and reducing the need for victim-survivors to navigate multiple systems with conflicting requirements. We know that there is no one type of person using violence and no one type of response that works to hold them accountable and change behaviour.
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Position Statement: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
September 2024
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
The minimum age of criminal responsibility for domestic and family violence offences should be raised to at least 16. Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to at least 16 should be a step towards a future where no children and young people are criminalised. With a growing focus on children as victims in their own right, an increased spotlight on the attitudes and behaviours of boys and young men, and moves towards the criminalisation of family violence, we are at a critical juncture in how we respond to children and young people using domestic and family violence. No to Violence (NTV) argues criminalising children and young people for domestic and family violence offences harms, not helps, our work to end family violence. The key reasons underpinning our position are our members’ frontline insights and experiences of working with people using domestic and family violence, including children and young people; emerging best practice family violence responses to children and young people; and the harmful impacts of criminalisation disproportionately experienced by marginalised children and young people.
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Thorne Harbour Health and No to Violence Case Study: Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria
August 2024
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
This case study highlights the devastating impacts of inaccurate data collection and misidentification of the predominant aggressor, which are more likely to be experienced by culturally and racially marginalised people, including LGBTIQ+ people. As outlined in THH’s submission to this Inquiry (Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria), “currently, the Victorian Family Violence Data Collection Framework (FVDCF) allows government departments, agencies and service providers to choose whether to adopt data collection standards, and how these standards can fit into their respective data collection guidelines and infrastructure.”
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Submission to the Victorian Government: Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria
June 2024
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence welcomes the Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee examination of the collection of data on people using family violence in Victoria. Developing a deeper understanding of family violence perpetration is crucial if we are to ensure effective, appropriate responses are available to, ultimately, reduce and end family violence. The recommendations we put forward in this submission shine light on the nuance needed to build a deeper understanding of this complexity without doing additional harm to victim-survivors and already marginalised communities. All work to capture data on family violence perpetration in Victoria must centre the experiences and perspectives of victim-survivors, including children, especially those from marginalised communities, and specialist family violence practitioner knowledge.
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Submission to Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry: Justice Responses to Sexual Violence
June 2024
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Sexual Violence
As the largest national peak body for men’s family violence services, our interest in justice responses to sexual violence is focused on sexual violence in the context of domestic and family violence. Law reform efforts represent a historic opportunity to accurately represent victim-survivors’ experiences in the law. Instituting an affirmative consent standard will go part of the way to address the impact of myths about sexual violence that permeate through the criminal justice system – from the barriers presented to reporting sexual violence through to the availability of interventions for people using domestic and family violence, inclusive of sexual violence.
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2024-2025 Pre-Budget Submission to the New South Wales Government
March 2024
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This submission calls on the NSW Government to deliver critically needed funding to ensure men can access services to stop their use of violence. Budget asks include increasing core funding for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs), funding additional MBCPs to clear waitlist, funding for case management and one-to-one interventions, and funding the Men’s Accommodation and Counselling Service (MACS). No to Violence also calls for 5-year minimum funding contracts and creating provisions in MBCP contracts that require at least 30% of funding to be allocated to Women’s and Children’s Advocacy (WCA).
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Submission to the Victorian Government: Strong Foundations Third Rolling Action Plan
February 2024
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
No to Violence welcomes the Victorian Government’s focus on people who use violence in Strong Foundations, but more emphasis is urgently needed on ‘how’ we stop people using violence. No to Violence believes there needs to be a radical change in how we - as a society, at the individual, community, and government level - respond to people using violence. In this submission we offer thoughts on the pathway forward that we hope will guide the development of the third Rolling Action Plan. The Victim Survivors’ Advocacy Council’s powerful statement at the beginning of ‘Stronger Foundations’ argues men must be ‘part of the solution’ to ending family violence – No to Violence echo their words.
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Reviewing sexual assault and consent laws in South Australia
February 2024
Jurisdiction: South Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Sexual Violence
This submission provides feedback to the Attorney General Department’s review of consent laws in South Australia. Recommendations seek to improve marginalised people and communities’ experiences with the criminal justice system; increase community confidence in decision-making on sexual assault offences; and grow the availability of appropriate and effective men’s family violence services.
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2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission to the Commonwealth Government
January 2024
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This budget submission highlights the need for ongoing funding to build a coordinated national response to stop men using family violence and keep women, children and communities safer. Funding priorities outlined in the submission are providing sustainable funding for critical intervention services via the National Partnership Agreement; developing a National Perpetration Plan to understand prevalence and pathways to violence, service mapping, workforce development strategy, and monitoring and evaluation strategy; and funding No to Violence’s work as the national peak body for men’s family violence services to ensure sector knowledge is maximised.
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Submission to the Community Sector Grants consultation
November 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
This submission responds to the Department of Social Services’ issues paper on community sector funding. No to Violence outlines the importance of providing longer grant agreement terms and grants that reflect the real cost of delivering quality services. NTV advocates to establish peak bodies for specialist sectors to ensure the community sector is effectively represented and coordinated.
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2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission to the Tasmanian Government
November 2023
Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This submissions calls on the Tasmanian Government to support three key initiatives to keep victim-survivors safe and realise our vision of a world free from male violence. No to Violence is asking for six regional Men’s Behaviour Change Programs to be funded; funding to remove people who choose to use violence from the family home; and ongoing annual funding of a state-wide sector coordination role for men’s family violence services.
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Submission on the AVITH stream of the VCRJ Program
October 2023
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Children and Young People
This submission responds to the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety’s proposed adolescent violence in the home (AVITH) stream of the Victim-Centred Restorative Justice (VCRJ) program. No to Violence recommends that the program is not established, and that its resources be redirected to early intervention and therapeutic AVITH services.
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Submission to the South Australian Government: Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill 2023
October 2023
Jurisdiction: South Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
This submission recommends that the South Australian Government redraft the Bill to embed a shared understanding of coercive control and better recognise the experiences of victim-survivors. No to Violence advocates for developing an implementation plan to support the introduction of the coercive control offence, and embedding an independent monitoring, review and evaluation mechanism.
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Feedback on the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Perpetrator Strategy
October 2023
Jurisdiction: Queensland
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
This feedback responds to a consultation paper seeking input to inform the development of Queensland’s DFV Perpetrator Strategy. No to Violence’s feedback emphasised the need to advance evidence based best practice and develop quality, accessible services to help men who use violence to stop. The feedback also calls for strengthening working partnerships between specialist family violence services and the Queensland government.
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Feedback on the Domestic and Family Violence Exposure Draft Bill 2023
August 2023
Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence’s review of the Justice Legislation Amendment (Domestic and Family Violence) Bill 2023 spotlights three key concerns that could arise with the implementation of the Bill as drafted. The feedback’s recommendations seek to reduce the potential for perpetrators of systems abuse to weaponise inconsistencies in definitions of domestic violence, build the capacity of the family violence sector to reduce an overreliance on police responses, and to ensure Police and Courts have access to training and guidelines that support them to strengthen perpetrator accountability.
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Feedback on the Coercive Control and Affirmative Consent Amendment Bill 2023
August 2023
Jurisdiction: Queensland
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence’s feedback provides support for the introduction of coercive control and affirmative consent legislation, though stresses that significant systemic reform is required to ensure effective implementation. No to Violence recommends that implementation should include police and judicial officer training; establishing an implementation taskforce; developing and delivering affirmative consent education campaigns; and increasing funding for men’s behaviour change programs to support the perpetrator diversion scheme.
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Feedback on Victoria’s Social Services Regulation Reform
July 2023
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
This feedback responds to the draft Social Services Regulation Reform (SSRR) in Victoria. No to Violence highlights the administrative burden involved in ensuring compliance with the SSSR and the draft’s lack of information about how the process will work.
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Submission to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee: Addressing the link between gambling and family violence
July 2023
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Research
This submission explores the progress that has been made towards addressing the link between gambling and family violence. We call on the Victorian Government to fund research to build the evidence base on how family violence and gambling intersect, and develop prevention and treatment initiatives that address the link between gambling and family violence.
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Submission to the Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework
July 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No To Violence Position Paper: Gender-Rights and Intersectional Approach to Human Rights Framework. This paper outlines the importance of incorporating an intersectional and rights-approach to gender and human rights, since there are many who experience compounding forms of discrimination and structural inequality, who face additional barriers or impacts, especially among the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) or culturally and racially marginalised (CALM) groups, those who are LGBTQIA+ or people with disability.
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2023 NSW Election Tour Report
April 2023
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
Before the 2023 NSW election, No to Violence toured seven areas of the state with higher-than-average rates of police-recorded domestic violence incidents: Blacktown, Penrith, Nowra, Wagga Wagga, Orange, Lismore and Charlestown. During the tour. The tour brought together specialist family violence service providers and political candidates to di9scuss the challenges and priorities for family violence services in NSW.
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Submission to the Australian Government: Current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia
March 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Sexual Violence
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity to influence to the Senate and Legal Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia. With a clear focus on improving criminal justice response for victim-survivors and enhanced perpetrator accountability, NTV advocates for harmonisation of affirmative sexual consent laws.
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2023 NSW Election Statement
February 2023
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
No to Violence believes the NSW Government must support five key initiatives which will hold perpetrators to account, keep more women and children safe, and realise our vision of a world free from male violence.
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Feedback on National Principles to Address Coercive Control in Family and Domestic
February 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
This feedback responds to a draft of the National Principles to Address Coercive Control. No to Violence recommends that the draft Principles are adapted to recognise victim-survivors’ resilience and adaptability and to understand the characteristics, tactics and motivations of men who use violence. No to Violence also calls for the government to embed understanding of coercive control in their services and systems.
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Submission to Exposure Draft – Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 (Holding Perpetrators Accountable)
February 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity to cast our specialist lens on this Exposure Draft. In this submission, NTV highlights the need for legislative reform to focus on preventing and addressing systems abuse. It is imperative that any changes to the Family Law Amendment Bill is genuinely child-centred and trauma informed.
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Feedback: Developing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan
February 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the reform areas and outcomes provided in the Action Plan Framework. This framework would be strengthened by providing specific priorities relating to the four pillars of primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery. As such, No to Violence has structured its feedback to include recommendations on reforms that will enable self-determination, as well as key priorities to address the four pillars of the overarching National Plan
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Submission to the Tasmanian Government: Third Family and Sexual Violence Action Plan 2022-2027 (Survivors at the Centre)
February 2023
Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies, Sexual Violence
No to Violence is pleased to provide feedback on the Tasmanian Government’s Third Family and Sexual Violence Action Plan 2022-2027: Survivors at the Centre. Implementing this plan will require increased investment in perpetrator interventions that meet the needs of diverse Tasmanians. Increasing availability and accessibility of evidence-based, tailored programming is an important part of addressing the needs of men to change their behaviour.
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2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission to the Commonwealth Government: Funding Perpetrator Accountability
January 2023
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Budgets and Elections
No to Violence calls on the Treasurer to support five key funding needs for the specialist men’s sector: build a connected and collaborative sector, fund sustainable critical intervention services, develop national standards and compliance frameworks for MBCPs, strengthen and support
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Vote Against Violence: 2022 State Election Tour Report
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
In the lead up to the 2022 Victorian Election, specialist family violence and sexual assault service providers came together with local political candidates in key electoral districts across the state to discuss issues and priorities for their communities.
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Submission to Review of Legislation and the Justice Response to Domestic and Family Violence in the Northern Territory—Legislative Reforms
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
This submission responds to a raft of proposed legislative changes to domestic and family violence in the Norther Territory. No to Violence supports the proposal for a four year whole of system, structural reform agenda. Broadly speaking, No to Violence supports proposed amendments to the Domestic and Family Violence Act 2007, including improved inclusion of children, expansion of the definition of domestic relationship, amending the DVO process, and the inclusion of vulnerable witness provisions.
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Submission to Queensland Legal Affairs and Safety Commission: Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Combating Coercive Control) Bill 2022
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Queensland
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence is pleased to provide feedback on the Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Combating Coercive Control) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022. This Bill aims to introduce a range of legislative reforms, to address several recommendations made by the Queensland’s Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce prior to the introduction of a standalone coercive control offence.
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2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission to the Victorian Government
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
Our sector continues to face challenges with recruitment and retention of our specialist workforce. While we acknowledge the investment made in the sector following the Royal Commission, in many ways that filled historical under investment. With new infrastructure still in development and implementation, now od not the time to wind back or cease investment. The 2023-24 Victorian State Budget must invest in a sustainable, evidence-based family violence sector, one funded to hold perpetrators accountable and uphold victim-survivor safety.
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2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission to the Victorian Government
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
Our sector continues to face challenges with recruitment and retention of our specialist workforce. While we acknowledge the investment made in the sector following the Royal Commission, in many ways that filled historical under investment. With new infrastructure still in development and implementation, now od not the time to wind back or cease investment. The 2023-24 Victorian State Budget must invest in a sustainable, evidence-based family violence sector, one funded to hold perpetrators accountable and uphold victim-survivor safety.
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Submission to the Tasmanian Government: Tasmanian Community Consultation Process for the 2023-24 Budget
November 2022
Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Topic: Budgets and Elections
The Tasmanian 2023-24 Budget is an opportunity to improve services for marginalised people, including supporting victim-survivors to stay in their own homes and ensure that people who choose to use violence and abuse are held accountable and receive appropriate support in their efforts to change their behaviour. No to Violence recommends the Tasmanian Government support the following initiatives to support victim-survivor safety: Extend the availability of interventions by funding six new MBCPs across Tasmania, Establish the Men’s accommodation and Counselling Service, and Support a cohesive family violence sector through the establishment of a Family and Sexual Violence Alliance for Policy Development and Sector Coordination.
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2022 Victorian Election Statement
October 2022
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This Election Statement outlines five key initiatives that the Victorian Government elected at the 2022 Election should support to keep women and children safe from men who us violence.
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2022-23 October Budget – Our Sector
October 2022
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Budgets and Elections
No to Violence is pleased to provide an analysis of Tuesday’s budget. We welcome the investment of $1.7 billion into women’s safety and the new and additional funding for men’s family violence services. No to Violence’s Chief Executive Officer, Jacqui Watt, commented: “We welcome the ongoing investment in No to Violence’s Men’s Referral Service which offers confidential telephone counselling and referrals for men who use family violence to help change their behaviour.”
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No to Violence Position Statement on the NSW Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022
October 2022
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
This position statement states No to Violence’s position on NSW’s Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022, and provides further recommendations that may strengthen its application and overall implementation.
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Submission to Review of Legislation and the Justice Response to Domestic and Family Violence in the Northern Territory - Systemic Reforms
October 2022
Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
This submission provides feedback on the systemic reform elements of Northern Territory Government’s proposal for a four-year whole of system, structural reform agenda. No to Violence provides support for many of the systemic reform proposals, including funding tailored community awareness and legal education programs about coercive control; developing and delivering training for NT police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers and front-line workers on coercive control; establishing a domestic and family violence death review process; and increasing the availability of high quality perpetrator intervention programs.
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NTV Discussion Paper: Online Perpetrator Interventions
September 2022
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Research
Following the immense adaptions required as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs) had to be delivered via videoconferencing software. With these adaptions came a review of our position on delivering such programs in this way. This is our policy position paper for the latest on online MBCPs – informed through interviews with practitioners, conversations with our members, and review of existing literature.
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Submission to the New South Wales Government: Exposure draft Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022
September 2022
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence is pleased to provide feedback on the Exposure Draft of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022. Although legal reform to capture patterns of domestic and family violence is necessary to give it appropriate recognition and response, effectively preventing and responding to coercive control is unlikely to be achieved by legislation alone. The effectiveness of coercive control legislation is arguably related to the quality of the implementation strategy. The efficacy of a new offence will only be realised if there is adequate capacity and capability building across all sectors that provide a response to domestic and family violence, including criminal justice, the police, specialist services and all other frontline responders.
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Submission to the Government of Western Australia: Legislative responses to coercive control in Western Australia
July 2022
Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
Effectively preventing and responding to coercive control is unlikely to be achieved by legislation alone. No to Violence supports the introduction of coercive control legislation as its inclusion in statute has the potential to form improved and holistic response to domestic violence, by better defining the extent of its totality. However, the efficacy of a new offence will only be realised if there is adequate capacity and capability building across the criminal justice and services sector, including importantly that the family violence sector is adequately resourced to provide connected services for victim-survivors and perpetrators.
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Submission to the New South Wales Government: A new strategy for women in NSW
June 2022
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
No to Violence recognises that gender inequality is a key driver of violence against women and girls. While we echo the importance of the focus areas for the next strategy, there remains a pressing need to improve the institutional responses to domestic and family violence in NSW. Responses to domestic and family violence within education facilities, workplaces, and the criminal justice system, still do not reflect the best interests of women and girls experiencing violence.
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Submission to the Queensland Government: Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence
June 2022
Jurisdiction: Queensland
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence welcomes the announcement of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence (‘the Commission’) as part of Queensland’s recently announced suite of structural reforms. This paper outlines our recommendations to the Commission, focusing on addressing cultural issues within the Queensland Police Service and the capability, capacity and structure of the QPS to respond to domestic and family violence. We also provide feedback on the adequacy of the current conduct and complaints handling processes.
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Submission to the South Australian Government: Implementation considerations for criminalising coercive controlling behaviours
March 2022
Jurisdiction: South Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence is pleased to provide directions on considerations for the criminalisation of coercive control in South Australia. Although legal reform to capture patterns of domestic and family violence is necessary to give it appropriate recognition and response, effectively preventing and responding to coercive control is unlikely to be achieved by legislation alone. This paper posits that the effectiveness of coercive control legislation is arguably related to the quality of the implementation strategy. The efficacy of a new offence will only be realised if there is adequate capacity and capability building across all sectors that provide a response to domestic and family violence, including
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Feedback on the Draft National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032
February 2022
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity as a National Plan Advisory Group member to provide constructive feedback to inform the next decade of Australia-wide work to end men’s family violence. Overall, No to Violence feels that this National Plan does not take adequate steps to shift the burden from victim-survivors to perpetrators. Australia must be bold and visionary if we want to stop family violence in the lifespan of this plan. Building an evidence base that has an informed understanding of perpetrators of violence, and what may work to address their behaviours is critical to stopping family violence.
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Submission to the Tasmanian Government Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2022
February 2022
Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Sexual Violence
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed amendments to the Tasmanian Criminal Code. This paper outlines positive elements of this Amendment Bill and draw attention to negatives of the proposed elements such as lack of definitional clarity, lack of examples, context issues, and the disproportionate impact on First Nations people.
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2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission to the New South Wales Government
January 2022
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
This paper outlines the joint NSW Men’s Behaviour Change Network (MBCN) and No to Violence’s pre-Budget submission for the 2022-23 Budget. We are calling for an additional investment of more than $109 million over four years from 2022-23 to enhance the ability of Men’s Behaviour Change Programs to maintain the safety of women and children, hold perpetrators to account for their use of violence and abusive behaviours, and to support long-term behavioural change
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Response to draft Victoria Police Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence
November 2021
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence is pleased to provide feedback on the Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence. This feedback highlights three areas of focus to guide reforms: Misidentification of predominant aggressor, victim-survivors’ engagement with police, and police accountability.
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Submission to South Australia: Government’s Consultation on Criminalising Coercive Controlling Behaviours (Amendment Bill)
October 2021
Jurisdiction: South Australia
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence is pleased to provide feedback on the Criminalising Coercive Controlling Behaviours Amendment Bill. Although legal reform to capture patterns of domestic and family violence is necessary to give it appropriate recognition and response, effectively preventing and responding to coercive control is unlikely to be achieved by legislation alone. This paper amplifies marginalised communities and groups and how these reforms may affect them. The efficacy of a new offence will only be realised if there is adequate capacity and capability building across all sectors that provide a response to domestic and family violence, including criminal justice, the police, specialist services and all other frontline responders.
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Submission to Department of Social Services: National Plan to End Violence Against Women
September 2021
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
No to Violence welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the National Plan to End Violence Against Women. Key areas of improvement call for improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, drawing on experiences of LGBTQIA+ Australians as the experts on their own lives, an increased focus in perpetrator interventions, health, wellbeing and healing responses, national consistency in legal responses, protecting and supporting children, technology-facilitated abuse, and more.
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Submission to Victorian Government: The 10-Year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy
April 2021
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Government Plans and Strategies
: Family violence is the leading contributor to rates of homelessness in Victoria, with victim-survivors making up 44 per cent of those presenting to homelessness services. No to Violence’s submission supports the ‘Safe at Home’ approach to reducing homelessness among victims-survivors of family violence and advocates to increase resourcing for perpetrator accommodation services. Perpetrator accommodation services present an opportunity to shift the burden of housing insecurity away from victim-survivors of family violence while connecting men who use violence to behaviour change interventions and support services.
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Submission to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce: Options for legislating against coercive control and the creation of a stand-alone domestic violence offence
March 2021
Jurisdiction: Queensland
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
No to Violence is pleased to provide a submission on considerations for the criminalisation of coercive control in Queensland. Although legal reform to capture patterns of domestic and family violence is necessary to give it appropriate recognition and response, effectively preventing and responding to coercive control is unlikely to be achieved by legislation alone. This paper posits that the effectiveness of coercive control legislation is arguably related to the quality of the implementation strategy. The efficacy of a new offence will only be realised if there is adequate capacity and capability building across all sectors that provide a response to domestic and family violence, including criminal justice, the police, specialist services and all other frontline responders.
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Submission to New South Wales Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control
February 2021
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms, Coercive Control
In the development of this submission, No to Violence has held or enabled consultations with around 500 experts, organisations, academics and victim survivors from across Australia, England and Scotland. This has included victim-survivors, First Nations women, LGBTIQA+ individuals and communities, and people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. No to Violence have also engaged and surveyed our members and colleagues in New South Wales who work directly with men who use family violence through the Men’s Behaviour Change Network.
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The House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence
August 2020
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
Without working with the people who are perpetrating this violence, the rates of violence will continue to rise, and the tragic and premature deaths will continue. Family violence does not stop at borders, or at different levels of governments. We are all this together; the community sector, employers, employees, community groups, individuals and importantly, government.
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No To Violence responds to Closure of Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence
May 2020
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
Jacqui Watt, Chief Executive Office of No To Violence, writes to Senator Rex Patrick regarding the premature closure of the Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence.
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No to Violence Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System
January 2020
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
NTV’s submission focuses on prioritising and protecting the safety and best interests of children, as well as seeking to increase access to justice, make simpler and streamline processes, addressing the high rates of family violence, making
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NTV Discussion Paper: Predominant Aggressor Identification And Victim Misidentification. Identifying predominant aggressors remains a challenge to family violence responses
November 2019
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Research
No to Violence’s discussion paper highlights the need for all parts of the family violence intervention system to bring greater attention to the complexities of family violence perpetrators, their behaviours, motives, and presentations to more effectively identify, assess and manage risk. NTV highlights the negative role that victim and perpetrator stereotypes play.
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Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions Report
November 2019
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
No to Violence is pleased to announce that Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions (EACPI) Final Report has been released and can be found here. The report makes 22 recommendations focused on strengthening existing perpetrator interventions, supporting emerging interventions, connecting with support services for other needs, identifying key areas for further work and research, and strengthening the foundations of the perpetrator intervention system.
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No to Violence Submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System
July 2019
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Policy and Legislative Reforms
NTV’s submission focuses on the complex interactions of individual and environmental factors associated with men’s
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2019-2020 Pre-Budget Submission to the Victorian Government
February 2019
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
As we move into the next phase of the Royal Commission into Family Violence reforms, No to Violence’s State Budget Submission 2019-2020 outlines a vision to continue our shared effort to inform and shape a robust “whole-of-family” family violence system that engages directly with perpetrators to enhance safety and outcomes for victim-survivors.
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New South Wales Listening Tour Report
January 2019
Jurisdiction: New South Wales
Topic: Budgets and Elections
No to Violence led a regional Listening Tour in NSW to hear what’s needed to better prevent and respond to domestic and family violence in local communities. With the valuable insights of this tour and many other meetings in NSW towns over the last 18 months, this report calls for a much bolder investment from the NSW Government to reduce and end men’s use of domestic and family violence.
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Victorian Listening Tour Report
October 2018
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Budgets and Elections
The tour provided humbling and educative insights into specific issues at each stop and gave us an opportunity to identify common themes that emerged across state. As the largest peak body in Australia representing organisations and individuals working directly with men to end family violence, our priority is to ensure there is continued bipartisan rigour and support applied to policy commitments arising from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, backed up by solid funding
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Victorian Aboriginal Men’s Programs Literature Review
August 2018
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Topic: Research
This literature review provides a overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s services aimed at addressing the behaviours that lead to family violence. In doing so, it also provides an explanation of the meaning of social and emotional wellbeing, to help establish an understanding of how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities think about wellness and what conditions are required for individuals and communities to thrive.
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Position Statement: Online programs for men who use family violence
February 2018
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Research
The position statement explores the complexities of translating MBCP practice from in-person to online delivery. The paper explores the fundamentals of MBCP practice and the inherent challenges in translating programs to an online platform. While some supplementary interventions to MBCP have
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Position Statement: Fathering programs for men who use family violence
December 2017
Jurisdiction: Federal
Topic: Research
No to Violence (NTV) believes that fathering programs for men who use family violence have a key role to play in supporting men to fulfil their role as a non-abusive father and parent, to increase women and children’s
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