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Digital deliveries: our training update

26-3-2020 The workforce development team has been working hard in response to an urgent need to move the Graduate Certificate in Case Management and Client Assessment students across to an online learning space given the current COVID-19 environment.  The training team at No to Violence are delighted to say that they go live with online learning from Monday 30 March with two workshop sessions. 

The team said the learning curve was steep but they acted fast and practiced flexibility – adapting training material to a whole new learning environment! 

Graduate Certificate in Case Management and Client Assessment

The Graduate Certificate in Case Management and Client Assessment is delivered in conjunction with Swinburne University. Innovative discussions with Swinburne and NTV this week will support the movement of our training delivery mode to the virtual environment in the very near future.

This year both organisations welcomed 21 students from across the sector for the 2020 intake.

Two training events were successfully facilitated by our new Head of Workforce Development, Tori Cooke, who delivered the updated ‘Introduction to Working with Men using Family Violence’ to 17 Ballarat Orange Door participants through video conferencing. The ‘Advanced Practice Series’ focused on supervision with practitioners working with men using domestic and family violence via Zoom. With group activities off the table due to COVID-19 – the team developed individual activities to support a lecture style approach that focused on skill building tools in direct work with men using violence and abuse.