No to Violence works together with workplaces, community organisations and sporting clubs across Australia to support them in their response to men’s use of family violence.
Call us (03 9487 4500) to talk through how we may be able to support your organisation to be part of the movement that works to end family violence.
Why is ending family violence everyone’s responsibility?
Family violence is a serious issue across Australia which impacts people across all backgrounds and demographics. It impacts individuals, families, teams, workplaces, communities and society.
No to Violence works with organisations across a range of industries and sectors that take action towards achieving gender equality and want to create environments that are not only supportive to people experiencing family and domestic violence; but also help them recognise and respond appropriately when they interact with someone who is using family and domestic violence.
By being leaders in this space, organisations are both contributing to a movement to ending family violence across our communities, and providing safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces for which staff can be proud.
In a report for DSS KPMG determined that men’s family violence costs the Australian economy $22 billion dollars annually (2016).
Adjusted for inflation that cost is now close to $28 billion.
How does No to Violence work with workplaces?
Every workplace is different – from organisational culture to levels of understanding and resources dedicated to addressing family violence issues. At No to Violence, we can tailor an approach based on organisation capability and available resources.

No to Violence’s Workforce Development team offer training and professional development to all organisations committed to ending men’s use of violence and abuse. This includes specialist family violence professionals, integrated service providers, and private, public, and community organisations.
Our evidenced-based training programs are delivered by professionals with extensive practice and teaching experience in the domestic and family violence space.
For more information about how No to Violence can support you or your organisation, please contact: