Welcome to the Men’s Accommodation and Counselling Service (MACS), provided through No to Violence.
This program has been designed to support you following your recent direction to leave your usual home due to family violence.
The program counselling has been designed to help you learn and understand family violence, as well as learn tools to help you avoid using violence in the future. While you are actively engaging in the telephone counselling sessions, and following some rules, the MACS program will provide and fund short term accommodation (subject to availability, up to a maximum of 14 nights) to give you some time to make more permanent arrangements.
What is ‘actively engaging’?
- Answering our phone calls – we will call you for counselling sessions and just to check in with you.
- Talking to us in a private, quiet space where you are free from distractions.
- Participate in counselling sessions – share your thoughts and experiences so that we can assist you with referrals to other services, and help you learn new skills to avoid you using violence.
What are the rules?
- We ask that you treat our staff with courtesy and respect, and we’ll also treat you this way.
- You are required to meet all of the conditions on the order or instruction (eg IVO, AVO).
While in the accommodation:
- No smoking
- No alcohol or drug use
- Do not damage the property
- Keep the property clean
- Be considerate of accommodation staff and other guests
- No guests are allowed
Please advise us if you leave the accommodation, and when leaving, please ensure that you remove your belongings and return the key by your check out time.
Please note that if any rules are broken, or you do not actively engage in the telephone counselling service, your accommodation will be ceased, and you will be exited from the MACS program.
Please note that any charges for food, drinks, entertainment, damages, specialist cleaning and / or keys not returned, will be your responsibility.
If you feel you are unable to follow these rules, and actively engage, please discuss this with your counselor.
MACS can be contacted by:
Phoning the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 and asking for MACS.
The MACS team are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Emailing accomsupport@ntv.org.au
Please note that No to Violence also provides a 24/7 counselling and support line called the Men’s Referral Service. If you need to chat outside of your sessions, please call 1300 766 491 or use the webchat at https://ntv.org.au/mrs/getting-support/
Thank you from,
The MACS Team