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Men’s behaviour change peak body warns: on-the-spot intervention orders will not stop family violence

On Sunday 16 September, Opposition Leader Matthew Guy publicly announced that the Victorian Coalition would support Police Commissioner Graham Ashton’s call for Victoria Police to issue on-the-spot intervention orders.

No to Violence do not support on-the-spot intervention orders.

According to CEO of No to Violence, Jacqui Watt:

“The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence recommended to better equip courts to respond to intervention orders in a timely fashion.

“We wish to echo Women’s Legal Service Victoria’s statement that it is a court resourcing issue, not a matter of the actual intervention order.

“Courts create inroads and access points for support services to engage with men who use family violence.

“Without court respondent workers engaging with men, face-to-face, it is highly unlikely that men will engage with behaviour change support services.

“If men are not connected with the right services, particularly during heightened court hearings, women and children will not be safer and he will not be kept in view.”

Family violence cannot end until the men who use violence change their beliefs, attitudes, behaviour and choices.

No to Violence works at the frontline with men who use violence and power to control their family relationships, to support them to take responsibility for the harm they cause.


Media enquiries:
Contact Camille Gierck on 0401 337 241 or
Further interview and photo opportunities also possible on request.