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Monash focus groups

The Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre is partnering with NTV on the next phase of their research investigating gender-based violence and help-seeking behaviours during COVID-19. We will be holding online focus groups in August and want to hear from men’s service workers about how working during the pandemic has impacted on your wellbeing and learn more about service innovations during this time.  

The focus group dates and times are provided below.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom focus group session.

Worker Wellbeing Focus Group: 9.30-11.00 on Tuesday 25 August –

Please register using the following link:–hqDgvE9VEo0G6zhP5WMnz34JRmBJo

Worker Wellbeing Focus Group: 9.30-11.00 am on Thursday 27 August

Please register using the following link:

Worker Wellbeing Focus Group: 9.30-11.00 am Monday 31 August

Please register using the following link: