No to Violence has just launched a new online booking system for our extensive range of non-accredited training and professional development. Over the next two weeks, we will be releasing new training dates for the next six months – these will progressively be available for booking on our website going to ‘Training and Professional Development’ under Sector Resources & Training on the NTV homepage.
There is an extensive range of non-accredited training and professional development to a variety of audiences, from practitioners of differing experience levels to corporate leadership and human resources. This includes:
- Everyday Conversations
- Advanced Practice – Supervision (Men’s Family Violence) Training Series
- Introduction to working with men who use family violence
- Working with Fathers who use family violence
- Trauma Informed Practice
- Trauma Informed Organisations
- Case Management and Case Notes
- Working with the Stages of Change model in MBC Programs
- Family Safety Contract Work
- Reflective Practice Training Series.
A variety of other training is also available and can be contextualised to a specific workplace or area upon request.