The NSW Men’s Behaviour Change Network (MBCN) was formed in 2013 following the introduction of the NSW Minimum Standards for Men’s Domestic Violence Behaviour Change Programs in 2012. The Network is made up of all registered men’s behaviour change providers and their practitioners, including men’s behaviour change group facilitators, women and children’s advocates who provide support to impacted family members, team leaders and team managers. The Network provides an opportunity for discussions that continually reflect on practice and the socio-political context of the work.
The Network is made up of men’s behaviour change providers registered with the Department of Communities and Justice under the Practice Standards to deliver Men’s Behaviour Change Programs, as listed on the NSW Department of Communities and Justice website. If you require contact details for any of the service providers please contact nsw@ntv.org.au.
The Network proactively engages in sector development and is committed to best practice in supporting those affected by family and domestic violence and providing opportunities for men to examine and end their use of domestic and family violence. No to Violence encourages collaboration amongst network members.
No to Violence is funded by the Department of Communities and Justice to:
· provide sector development to the men’s domestic and family violence sector in NSW; and
· To act as secretariat to, and advocate on behalf of, the Network.
The Network meets bimonthly to discuss strategic priorities, the latest sector news, and engage in professional development. The Network meeting is open to those in the sector who are interested in male family violence interventions, including those interested in applying for registration to deliver a MBCP under the NSW Practice Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs. Please contact nsw@ntv.org.au for more information on the next meeting.
The Network is chaired by elected representatives from the MBCN. Please contact nsw@ntv.org.au for further information.
No to Violence also facilitates Communities of Practice (CoP) and forums, depending on role and area of service delivery including:
- Rural, Regional and Remote Providers forum
- Male MBCP Practitioner CoP
- Women MBCP Practitioner CoP
- Women and Children’s Advocates CoP
- Combined Women Practitioner and Women and Children’s Advocates CoP
The CoPs and forums provide an opportunity for peer connection, support and to share and reflect on best practice. For more information, please contact nsw@ntv.org.au
New South Wales Risk, Safety and Support Framework (RSSF)
The Risk, Safety, and Support Framework is a common risk assessment framework for use by registered MBCPs. Please contact nsw@ntv.org.au for further information.
Members of the Men’s Behaviour Change Network
The Network is made up of registered and provisionally registered men’s behaviour change providers as listed on the NSW Department of Communities and Justice website. We encourage collaboration amongst network members.
If you require contact details for any of the service providers please contact No to Violence.
NSW Practice Standards, and Compliance Framework for men’s domestic violence behaviour change programs
A suite of resources for New South Wales practitioners that work with men who use violence, as well as other resources from across Australia, is available in the Resources page.