Who should attend?
Professionals whose core role is to respond to people experiencing or using family violence. Professionals who require a specialist level of a knowledge and expertise in family violence practice with adults using family violence. For example, professionals in family violence case management, behaviour change programs, crisis response services, specialist targeted programs.
Delivery mode:
- 2 day, online facilitator led learning (9.30am to 4.30pm)
- In-person sessions will be available in future. For organisations, ACCOs or sector-specific focused training please contact MARAM@ntv.org.au to arrange.
Learning objectives:
On successful completion of this training, participants will be able to practice concepts related to working with adults using family violence, including:
- Applying MARAM foundational knowledge and practice guidance to comprehensive MARAM practice responsibilities.
- Developing and demonstrating understanding and confidence in safe engagement and appropriate questioning to support identifying, assessing and managing family violence risk when working with adults using family violence.
- Determining the level or seriousness of risk using the model of Structured Professional Judgement.
- Understanding how and when to use MARAM tools in practice, including the Comprehensive Assessment Tool, the Predominant Aggressor Identification Tool, the Comprehensive Safety Plan and the Comprehensive Risk Management Plan.
- Demonstrating confidence in leading collaboration and coordination through information sharing, secondary consultation and referrals.
Dates of delivery:
- Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd April
- Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th April
- Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th May
- Wednesday 28th & Thursday 29th May
- Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th June
- Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th June