Page 4 of 304 results.
Join us to do more than just talk about men’s violence
After years of our sector working together to prevent violence, this year we’ve seen how the public understanding has started to accept just how prevalent violence against women and children... -
If a man tells you he is using violence
Telling someone else about using violent or controlling behaviour is an important step towards change. If someone you know has confessed to using violence in his relationship, you might be... -
Specialist family violence support is essential
Through the Men’s Referral Service we speak to a lot of men in a wide variety of family and relationship contexts with a range of challenges and issues that arise.... -
National Working With Men to Tackle Family Violence Conference Wrap
Over 250 delegates from the family violence sector met at the National Working with Men to Tackle Family Violence Conference to share practical solutions to ending men’s violence against women... -
5 lessons learned from speaking with men who use family violence
For the past few years I’ve worked as a family violence telephone operator, speaking with hundreds of men from all walks of life who have used many different forms of... -
Taking Responsibility: the barriers we put up that get in the way of the relationships we want
Working as a family violence telephone operator I speak with hundreds of men from many different relationship and life contexts. When I speak to men that have chosen to behave... -
National Working with Men to Tackle Family Violence Conference Report
The NTV Conference Takeaways Report highlights the key themes raised at the National Working with Men to Tackle Family Violence Conference, 14-15 February 2017.... -
Is saying you’re a nice guy getting in the way of being a nice guy?
Working as a TRW at the Men’s Referral Service, I hear many different perspectives on family violence. Within the service sector there is a wealth of knowledge around the drivers,... -
Entitlement and Status: A Perfect Storm
Following the ABC’s investigation on the issue, family violence dynamics within religious communities has been the focus of much public discussion. Working as a family violence counsellor, speaking daily with... -
We say YES to Marriage Equality
No To Violence incorporating the Men’s Referral Service (NTV/MRS) supports the LGBTIQ community to have and enjoy the same freedoms as the rest of the Australian community. To enjoy safe,...