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2023 New South Wales Election Statement

15 February 2023

Family and domestic violence is everyone’s problem. But it begins – and ends – with men. After 30 years working with men who use violence, we know that we cannot stop family and domestic violence...

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Join No to Violence on its New South Wales election tour

8 February 2023

No to Violence is touring New South Wales throughout February and March ahead of the upcoming state election. We’ll be meeting with our valued members and the sector that works with men to end family...

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No to Violence’s Submission to the Commonwealth Budget 2023-24

31 January 2023

No to Violence is proud to share its recent submission to the Commonwealth Government for the 2023-24 Budget.  The submission outlines the funding required to shift the burden off the victim-survivors...

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Vote Against Violence Election Tour 2022

17 November 2022

In the lead up to the Victorian Election, No to Violence partnered with Victorian peak bodies Safe and Equal and Sexual Assault Services Victoria on the “Vote Against Violence in 2022” Election...

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NSW – A step closer to criminalising coercive control 

18 October 2022

Just days after Christine Barker, a 74 year-old, Bronte resident was allegedly murdered at home by her husband, the 37th woman this year killed by a partner or a former partner, NSW Attorney-General Mark...

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No to Violence welcomes the new Federal Government

23 May 2022

Ruth RozarioActing Chief Executive OfficerNo to Violence No to Violence extends its sincere congratulations to all elected Members of Parliament. In the lead up to the Federal Election, No to...

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Time to #ShiftTheBurden: what the 2022-23 Federal Budget means for our sector

6 April 2022

Jacqui WattChief Executive OfficerNo to Violence In the No to Violence 2022 Federal Election Statement, we called to shift the burden: removing it from the victim-survivors and placing it firmly...

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What type of man uses family violence? It probably isn’t who you think.

20 May 2021

Jacqui WattChief Executive OfficerNo to Violence A lot of people think that they could recognise what a ‘violent and abusive’ man looks like. Across our communities, there is a common question...

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Opening statement to hearing for inquiry into domestic, family and sexual violence.

16 October 2020

16 October 2020 No to Violence thanks the committee for inviting No to Violence to appear today. We note that there has seldom been conversation around the people who are using family violence...

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Gap of knowledge in our judiciary – an ANROWS report

30 June 2020

ANROWS has released research which identifies key gaps in our judiciaries’ knowledge of DFV intervention programs. The paper also provides recommendations to address the divide. Australia's judiciary...

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