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Media releases

19 September 2024
Family Violence advocates call to end Smoke and Mirrors 

6 September 2024

National Cabinet: Anti Violence Advocates Demand Action to Stop Men’s Violence at the Source 

6 September 2024

Anti Violence Advocates say National Cabinet announcements fail to move the needle 

18 June 2024

NSW Budget funding boost to stop men using family violence vital for victim-survivor safety

30 May 2024

NTV welcomes new package of measures to address family violence in Victoria

28 May 2024

New Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change appointed in Victoria 

23 May 2024

Bodybuilder who murdered Monique Lezsak was ‘unexceptional’  

14 May 2024

Federal Budget 2024-25: Important steps towards ending men’s violence but broader strategy missing

14 May 2024

‘Looking for Leadership’: Family violence advocates looking for focus on men’s violence 

7 May 2024

Victorian budget “missed a crucial opportunity” 

1 May 2024

National Cabinet: A first step or a sidestep?

1 May 2024

Court Directed Male Family Violence Interventions to End 30 June

23 February 2024

No to Violence commends AFL on Tarryn Thomas suspension

20 September 2023

2023-24 NSW Budget: funding for family violence ‘not fit to match the scale of the crisis’

30 August 2023

Experts call for national study to understand patterns of offenders’ behaviour and attitudes to sexual violence so we can more effectively prevent it

26 July 2023

No to Violence draws ‘line in the sand’ in responding to sexual violence in Australia

24 June 2023

Sporting codes need to ‘step in and step up’ to stop violence against women

No to Violence has called on sporting administrators to take a stand and condemn violent behaviour against women.

26 May 2023

No to Violence welcomes Tasmanian funding for men’s services

No to Violence welcomes funding for initiatives aimed at early intervention to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence announced in yesterday’s Tasmanian Budget.

25 May 2023

No to Violence welcomes Victorian Budget funding for the Men’s Accommodation and Counselling Service.

No to Violence welcomes funding for the Men’s Accommodation and Counselling Service – announced in the Victorian Budget.

12 May 2023

No to Violence welcomes Federal funding for perpetrator services

No to Violence welcomes the $8.5 million funding for initiatives aimed at early intervention to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence announced in the Federal Budget.

18 April 2023

NSW Government urged to work with men to end family violence

No to Violence is urging the new NSW Government to urgently and sustainably fund services that work with men to end family violence.

15 February 2023

Domestic violence peak body tours some of the hardest-hit locations in NSW; releases pre-election platform calling for perpetrator intervention funding

No to Violence is calling for increased investment to support the under-funded perpetrator intervention sector in NSW in the lead up to the state election in March.

25 October 2022

Budget funds efforts to hold perpetrator of domestic violence to account

No to Violence Chief Executive Jacqui Watt welcomes the investment in this interim budget to address
violence against women by holding perpetrators accountable.

17 October 2022

National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 takes important focus on perpetrator accountability 

No to Violence Chief Executive Jacqui Watt welcomes the new National Plan’s greater steps to ensure the safety of women and children by holding perpetrators accountable.

12 October 2022

New South Wales on the path to ending men’s violence against women

No to Violence commends the NSW Government on taking strong action to hold perpetrators of violence accountable through its coercive control bill introduced to the NSW Parliament today.

31 August 2022

Expert Alert

CEO No to Violence Jacqui Watt available for comment on draft Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022.

15 March 2022

No to Violence and White Ribbon Australia call for funding to stop male violence

In the wake of the death of mother-of-three Synamin Bell, No to Violence and White Ribbon Australia have issued a joint call for more funding to help prevent – and end – men’s family violence.

14 March 2022

Shifting the burden: No to Violence calls for federal investment to help break the cycle of family and domestic violence

Ongoing federal funding for the national Men’s Referral Service – currently only funded until June 30 this year – is a key ask of the No to Violence Election Statement, to help shift the burden of responsibility for family and domestic violence from victim-survivors to the men who use violence.

14 March 2022

Shifting the burden: No to Violence calls for SA police outreach service to help men change their behaviour

The establishment of a police outreach service to help men who use domestic and family violence to change their behaviour is a key ask of the No to Violence South Australia Election Statement launched Monday 14 March.

4 February 2022

No to Violence welcomes SA Government funding to keep people safe from family violence

No to Violence – Australia’s largest peak body for organisations and individuals who work with men to end family violence – has welcomed the South Australian government’s $1 million in funding to better support victim survivors of family violence.

17 December 2021

Victoria Police and family violence organisations urge Victorians to celebrate safely this holiday season

While many families celebrate the festive season safely, for others it is the most dangerous time of the year. More than two thirds of all assaults reported last Christmas Day and New Year’s Day were related to family violence, according to latest figures from the Crime Statistics Agency.

16 December 2021

No to Violence welcomes steps to stop misidentification of perpetrators

No to Violence will work closely with Victoria Police to help stop the misidentification of family violence perpetrators.

24 September 2021

National family domestic violence services team up to encourage all Australians to play their part against violence this Grand Final weekend.

National domestic and family violence organisations, No to Violence, White Ribbon Australia and 1800RESPECT, have relaunched the 2021 Play Your Part campaign encourage Australians to play their part against family and domestic violence during Grand Final Weekend.

29 July 2021

Joint Letter to National Federation Reform Council on Taskforce on Women’s Safety

Today, when the National Women’s Safety Summit was set to open, Australia’s family and domestic violence sector has united behind a roadmap for women’s safety that they say must form the foundation of the government’s next National Plan.

In an Australian first, 22 peak bodies, advocates and leading organisations in family, domestic and sexual violence services – from every state and territory – have come together to issue a joint letter that lays out a shared vision and pathway to a safer future where everyone affected by gendered violence has the support they need.

27 July 2021

Submission to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce: Options for legislating against coercive control and the creation of a stand-alone domestic violence offence.

2 July 2021

NSW Budget 2021-22 Budget Analysis: Statement by No to Violence

30 June 2021

NSW Coercive control report shows the need for systemic reform, funding for working with perpetrators earlier.

No to Violence welcomes the New South Wales Parliament’s Joint Select Committee report on Coercive Control. The report unanimously recommends the criminalisation of coercive control, but that criminalisation will not without systemic reform.

20 May 2020

Victorian Budget: Peak body welcomes investment, concerned over short term funding of family violence perpetrator programs

The 2021-22 Victorian Budget includes $18 million to enable family violence specialists to deliver perpetrator interventions and contribute to an increasing evidence base about what works to change behaviour and prevent violence.

12 May 2021

2021-22 Budget continues national access to Men’s Referral Service for another 12 months

No to Violence welcomes the release of the Federal Government’s 2021-2022 Budget which is set to provide a further $1.1 billion into improving women’s safety, including a focus on supporting the sector that works with family violence perpetrators.

19 April 2021

Call to extend funding to address impact of covid-19 on services responding to family violence and sexual assault.

DV Vic, No to Violence and Sexual Assault Services Victoria have called on the federal government to extend the initial $150 million COVID-19 funding provided to support Australians experiencing domestic, family, and sexual violence due to the fallout from coronavirus during 2020.

9 April 2021

It is time for all men – young and old – to take responsibility for preventing the sexual harassment, abuse and violence that we know is endemic in our society.

No to Violence released a joint statement with White Ribbon Australia, Jesuit Social Services, Stopping Family Violence and Michael Flood, encouraging men – young and old – to do more to prevent sexual assault, harassment and violence against women.

7 April 2021

No to Violence calls for greater focus on systemic and structural change following the release of NSW coroner findings into the deaths of Jack and Jennifer Edwards.

Long-awaited findings from the NSW State Inquest into the murders of teenagers Jack and Jennifer Edwards reveal serious systemic failures to protect women and children. 

1 April 2021

Focus on perpetrators in report from Federal Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence welcomed by No to Violence and Men’s Referral Service

No to Violence welcomes today’s tabling of the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs report from the ‘Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence’ and is committed to working with the Australian Government to hold perpetrators to account for their use of violence.

15 March 2021

Joint Statement by DV Vic/DVRCV and No to Violence regarding movement against sexual violence

The peak bodies for Victorian specialist family violence services have today issued a joint statement in support of people across Australia sharing their experiences of sexual violence and seeking stronger institutional responses across all parts of our community.

31 December 2020

Safe Silly Season – New Year’s Eve is the most dangerous night of the year for some in Australia

National domestic and family violence organisations, No to Violence, White Ribbon Australia, Our Watch, Voice of Change and 1800RESPECT, have come together to raise awareness of what Australian’s face during New Year’s Eve and to highlight things we can do to keep our friends, family and community safe.

11 December 2020

Safe Silly season – Victoria Police and family violence organisations ask Victorians to keep each other safe during the festive season.

No to Violence, Respect Victoria and Victoria Police have come together to raise awareness of how dangerous this time can be and encourage all Victorians to have a Safe Silly Season.

24 November 2020

No to Violence statement on Victorian Government Budget 2020-21

No to Violence welcomes the release of the Victorian Government’s 2020-21 Budget.

20 October 2020

‘Play our part’ – Family domestic violence services and supporters to encourage Australians to play their part against violence during Grand Final Weekend

No to Violence, White Ribbon Australia, 1800RESPECT, Our Watch and Respect Victoria have come together with a range of high-profile advocates to encourage all Australians to ‘Play our Part’ in reducing and ultimately preventing family and domestic violence across our communities.

13 October 2020

Coercive control legislation requires careful consideration if we want it to make a difference to victims’ experience, says No to Violence.

No to Violence welcomes the approach of the New South Wales Attorney General and Minister for Prevention of Domestic Violence, Hon Mark Speakman, in launching a discussion paper and consulting on coercive control criminalisation.

9 October 2020

No to Violence launches family and domestic violence resources for Australian workplaces

No to Violence has joined forces with Commonwealth Bank and Norton Rose Fulbright to assist Australian workplaces identify and prevent domestic and family violence.

24 September 2020

Increase in family incidents shows desperate need for perpetrators to reach out for support, says No to Violence

No to Violence expresses a concern for the increase in family incidents in Victoria which has hit a record high, as Victorian Crime Statistic Agency reports an increase of 6.7% to 88,214 incidents.

17 August 2020

No to Violence welcomes much needed funding to work with perpetrators of family violence and to keep victims safe

No to Violence welcomes today’s announcement from the Victorian Government of $20.41 million funding for services that work with directly with perpetrators of family violence. No to Violence is the operator of the Men’s Referral Service which has seen an 11 per cent increase in call volumes in the last four weeks.

29 July 2020

Employees who use Domestic and Family Violence: A workplace response

No to Violence, in collaboration with Our Watch, Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia, Australia’s CEO Challenge, and UNSW Gendered Violence Research Network, officially launched Employees who use Domestic and Family Violence – A workplace response.

6 July 2020

Long waitlists for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs, survey shows

Men who use family violence are waiting up to 40 weeks to enter programs aimed at changing violence and abusive behaviour, according to a recent survey of providers of Men’s Behaviour Change Programs.

24 June 2020

No to Violence welcomes White Ribbon Australia’s relaunch

No to Violence congratulates White Ribbon Australia on their re-launch and the appointment for new Executive Director, Brad Chilcott. White Ribbon Australia has relaunched with a renewed focus on community and committing its resources, advocacy, and activities to bring meaningful change in the elimination of gendered violence in Australia.

27 May 2020

No to Violence welcomes today’s tabling of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) report on the management of Support and Safety Hubs and is committed to working with the Victorian Government to further refine the future implementation of the Orange Doors to keep women and children safe.

26 May 2020

No To Violence has welcomed the NSW Government’s $21 million announcement to boost the family violence sector. This includes $3 million for organisations that work with men who use violence.

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